Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Carnival! [Day 4]

Last day of Carnival so got up and went out for a ride. Did some climbing, descending, then just riding around and saw some interesting things.

A genuine Klein Attitude (not a Colombian knock-off) circa 1995-1996. The owner is one of the few who recognized my Merlin for what it is. He was impressed though he thought the single speed thing was a bit strange.

Another cool thing was seeing someone out paddling a kayak...another rare sight. Not too many kayakers around considering the area in which we live. (I need to get out in my kayak and paddle more.)

Went to the fish market and bought a la branche (flathead mullet, Mugli cephalus). Good in fish soup, or fried, they are a very tasty salt-water fish. I went home and Tania fried a couple of pieces for my lunch. Nice!

Spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready to head back El Tigre.

1 comment:

F.W. Adams said...

Interesting, random post--enjoyed the variety of your day!